The clan existence idea:
1. Clan is a unity by realizing common goals, and not a group of people who pursue their own goals by clan.
2. Every clan member have to obey with the rules and objectives of the clan. If you don't want, what is the point of beeing in clan?
3. Other clan objectives will be added regularly according the clan growth.
1. We keep our high level of personal culture.
2. We obey the server rules.
3. We do not swear (curse) on the clan and party chat.
Relations between clanmates:
1. The clan decision-making bodies are CL - Lessien and VCL: Lestat and Shalis.
2. During the battle/siege/war there is a strict hierarchy and everyone is required to submit to a higher rank (officers or CLs)
3. We don't flame each other on each other and not starting an argument for clan chat. If someone can't come to an agreement by the PM should ask for help from CL or VCL to solve the problem.
4.The leader is always right. If the leader is wrong to think again.
If CL is still mistaken, you can try CALMLY talk about it on PM, but the final decision in every situation is to CL / VCL. Attempt typical "screaming because i want otherwise" on CL in the chat clan will result kicking from clan.
5. Lestat is responsible for diplomacy, and he represents the clan outside. NO ONE ELSE DOES NOT NEGOTIATE With LEADERS other clans. Before the attack on members of other clans should ask if you can, so as not to spoil the negotiations.
6. Additional features and ranks will be awarded during a development of the clan.
7. We try to walk with clan mates on PT and level up together. We want to create a clan with a nice atmosphere and a harmonious team, not the random assemblage of people under a common Crest.
1. The rules for issuing items will be on a separate topic.
2. No clan mates gets items for its very existence. Everything that is owned by the clan is the result of hard work of all members.
3. Nobody gets items for free in the beginning, everything must be earned.
4. Self initiative will be appreciated and rewarded.
Clan Warehouse:
Into CWH we can put:
- recipes for Mats and armors/weapons A / S
- useless/dropped items D and C. We will crystalize them. Please do not sell this in the grocery
- keys for armors and weapons A/S
- mats
- spellbooks - it will be kept on special char for sb: Books
- whole drop from RB's
Into CWH we CAN NOT put:
-recipes and keys: D, C, B Grade
- keys (for opening boxes)
- antidotes, bandages, waking scrolls and other crap
Rights and Obligations of the CLAN MEMBER:
1. Owning and active completing quests ordered by CL (if necessary)
2. Making manor ordered by CL.
3. Participation in clan spoil/clan cata.
4. Participation in common fights / siege.
Clan member RIGHTS:
1. Using CH.
2. Receiving needed items.
3. Buying/Receiving cheap SS/BSS
4. Help in every crisis situations.
If someone ends the game, please find some time to log for the last time and give items, to other clan members.
Other stuff:
1. We vote for server every day